Hello World

This is my first blog entry.

I am by no means a blogger, though. I was born in the early 80’s. As a child I went outside to play in the dirt. My family brought home our first computer when I was a teenager. I’m not what some would refer to as “smart” so I didn’t pay much attention to computers even after we had one. By the time I realized how significant computers were going to be in the world, I was an adult and I felt like I had missed the boat.

Why do I bring all that up? Because like most people, you could say I have a few issues. I don’t really want to go into a lot of personal details, just suffice it to say that after some heavy reflection, I’ve decided that I would like to try to relieve some of my pent-up stress by writing about certain topics of interest. That means that I need to get back on the boat so I can figure out how this blogging thing works.

I know that this particular blog entry will be for the small percentage of viewers who wish to know how it all started. I realize that successful bloggers generally write for their readers, because that is how they keep their subscribers coming back for more, but honestly, I don’t care. I’m just interested in occasionally writing what’s on my mind, and I’ll call it therapeutic.

The name of my blog is Brightfool. I basically chose this oxymoron because 1) the other names I really liked were already taken, and 2) because of the “clever” juxtaposition of intelligences. I believe every topic has a reasonable answer that is most often clouded by stupidity. After all, our brightest are still fools, while our fools think they are bright.

I’m no different than anyone else- just an average, simple idiot. Aside from venting, my goal is to help strip popular topics down to the undeniable truth using the best of my abilities, my limited education, and my inadequate access to world news.



“Our brightest are still fools, while our fools think they are bright.”

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